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Clash for Windows


  • A rules-based, cross-platform proxy application core program written in Go.
  • Clash for Windows is a graphical Clash branch available on Windows.

Download Package

  1. Download the latest release version from https://github.com/Fndroid/clash_for_windows_pkg/releases.

    Recommend the portable package, like: Clash.for.Windows-0.20.18-win.7z.

  2. Install or extract the package and it can be launched directly.

    1. If the installer is downloaded, then double-click it and finish the installation with the default settings.
    2. If the portable compress package is downloaded, just needs to extract it to the specified path.
  • Due to the Clash for Windows does not have any valid digital signatures, the SmartScreen of the Windows may pop up a prompt, just needs to click on More Info and then select Still Want to Run to run.
  • It is an open-source application, typically it is safe to run on the system.

Download the Subscription and Import

For the stable proxy, a paid subscription is an appropriate choice.
However, a beginner’s guide can use the free nodes to explain the basic usage.

  1. Go to a site that provides daily free nodes, for example: https://freenode.me/f/freenode.

  2. Select the latest post and find the subscription for the Clash only, like:

  1. Copy the file link of the xxx.yaml.

  2. Open the Clash for Windows client and select the Profiles option on the left sidebar.

  3. Paste the copied link above to the top textbox.

  4. Click the Download button and wait for it to turn green with Success!.

    A new xxx.yaml file will appear in the panel below.

  5. Select the newly added xxx.yaml file.

Enable Proxy

  1. Select the Proxies option on the left siderbar.

  2. Click the Rule button on the top.

  3. Select the General option on the left siderbar.

  4. Trun on the System Proxy switch.

Try to use 🤩 Google 🤩.

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